Resurrection Day

It’s Resurrection Day – the day we remember Jesus’ victory over death and the grave. So much happened on that cross. Even when we think we understand it, I have a hunch we only scratch the surface of all He did for us.

How triumphant the enemy must have felt when Jesus died. How he must have believed he had killed the one he feared so much. How pleased he must have been that Jesus was no longer going to be a problem for him. Once again he would be free to steal, kill, and destroy without opposition.

And how terrified he must have been early on that resurrection day when Jesus rose triumphantly. He must have realized that he had beenĀ  completely defeated. His hold on mankind had been broken over everyone who received Jesus and followed after Him. He must have realized that day that no matter what he did from then on, there was always going to be one group of people on this earth who walked in miracle power through the name and the blood of Jesus. There would always be one group of people who were not subject to his lies and his schemes.

He knew that day that all he could do with that group was try to convince them that they were no different than anyone else on the earth. He would work to persuade those who followed Jesus that no matter how much they believed or they stood on the Word of God, it made no difference. That was all he had left to try.

He certainly has tried to convince me many times that nothing was changing, nothing was happening when I prayed. But I know the power of my risen Savior! His Word is true and He has overcome the enemy and all his schemes. My physical eyes do not need to see what my spiritual eyes do. Jesus is truth and life! He is faithful and He has overcome!

This Resurrection Day I encourage you to rest in Him and what He has finished. You may not be seeing what you want to see with your natural eyes, but then neither did anyone who watched Jesus die on the cross. Those who loved Him were deeply grieved and those who hated Him rejoiced.

Neither reaction, though, reflected what had happened there. What appeared to be loss was truly the greatest gain of all.

You are part of the one group of people on this earth that the devil knows he has lost his hold over. Remember that the next time he lies to you. Love, Marilyn

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:15

Author: Marilyn Phillipps

Married 49 years, we have three children and six grandchildren. My initial career of nursing prepared me to work with marriages that are wounded and in need of healing. For 35 my husband and I have led 2=1 International, a ministry to marriages and families around the world. We have seen miracle after miracle when many had given up hope.